Mandatory Public Disclosure | Affiliated to CBSE, Affiliation no. 2133733 | Admission Open for 2025-26

Management Message

At JMS World School, we believe at providing an environment which promotes enthusiasm and passion among students at individual level and also at developing team spirit in groups. Our focus has always been on making our students wonderful human beings at personal as well as at professional platforms. The knowledge provided here ensures thorough grounding of students for overall personality development. Co-Curricular activities and academics are blended together to create unique learning experiences for the students. The school aims to develop tomorrow’s leaders in the field of sports, academics, sciences, administration and social welfare. The basic moral values at JMS, such as respect for others and our nation, truthfulness, basic sets of behavior and principles, are inculcated to enable students and understand our rich cultural Indian values.

Many things has been said and discussed about education, right from what should be taught to how it should be taught and what should be learnt and so on and so forth. Here I would like to say that mind is like a sponge and it absorbs everything from childhood to old age, through all the senses that God has provided us. We at JMS , provide a congenial atmosphere, where there is no fear and child’s innate curiosity is satisfied, where atmosphere stimulates child’s passion for learning, where students are inspired to become better individuals in life, a place where children love to come.
